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Sneakers 'N' Screens

David Kirsch
Sep 27, 20212 min read
Can Physical Fitness Help Improve Your Child’s Academic Performance?
Research by the CDC has shown that physical fitness strengthens your children’s bones, muscles, lungs, and heart. But did you know it can...

Samira Sine
Sep 25, 20212 min read
Parents, we need you to get involved! For the sake of your children.
Following the frankly unsurprising headlines around the new headlines on Facebook, we've done a lot of thinking at Just For The Children....

Samira Sine
Sep 20, 20211 min read
Who's watching the kids? As the Facebook story unfurls, few understand how it makes money!
Does anyone still remember that famous moment on Capitol Hill, where Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) asks Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg how he...

Samira Sine
Sep 14, 20211 min read
Instagram's shocking effect on teenage mental health was never an internal secret! Zuckerberg knew!
Main Points: Facebook has known for a while that found that its photo-sharing app, Instagram causes mental health issues in almost 32...

David Kirsch
Sep 11, 20211 min read
Zoom Dysmorphia - Part 2
In a study by researchers at Harvard University, they found that insecurities from ‘Zoom Dysmorphia’ are long lasting. Increased time...

Samira Sine
Sep 11, 20211 min read
The Dark Web, School Kids and Ways to Protect Them!
Why are we writing this post? The answer is simple. School kids are more vulnerable than ever to hackers, and for millions, their data...
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