When you support the work at Just For The Children, you are helping create programs for all children across America to:
Help reduce obesity and to learn about how we are working towards this goal, click here.
Give practical tools and advice to parents, educators, and policymakers who have not made children's overall health a national priority.
Help reign in the effects of the products Big Tech offers, by putting pressure on them to make products for children less addictive, and help keep them safe and protect their privacy online.
Your voice is important and any questions you ask will be answered either directly, or via a webinar or podcast.
We are working with national organizations to produce a "Health and Well-being For All Children" toolkit that will allow kids to lead richer and fuller lives. A similar initiative created by Michelle Obama in the early 2000s helped reduce obesity rates amongst 2-5 year olds from 14 % to 8%!
We are picking up from where they left off in 2009. Obesity rates have quadrupled, and Big Tech has played a big role in this.
Help us make progress by donating, signing a pledge or sharing our work with your community!
- David and Samira