Key Findings
Just For The Children's advice, webinars, and podcasts are based on scientific research from the most respected organizations. We are parents too, and have hired educators and researchers who are also parents, to help with our work.
Childhood is precious, fleeting and fragile. Developmental milestones must be protected.
With a team of experienced editors, educators and researchers, we have curated the "Key Findings" on the topics below. These topics are all inter-connected. For example, if a child's privacy is not protected online, it could potentially cause weight gain. We will explain how in each section below and cite the research and how we synthesize it.
We also invite researchers who are focused on children's health in a tech-filled world to send us their research. If childhood is to be protected, we must be open to sharing our work. The physical, mental, cognitive and emotional development of children are all related and the role of exponential tech cannot be discounted.
We want today's children to be tomorrow's healthy and fit adults.
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Join Just For The Children as we help create the next generation of healthy humans
Millions of parents and educators around the world demand change as policies that keep our children healthy, connected and learning are not in place.
We need you to join our movement.
Digital Literacy
Kids today are digital natives, born into a dizzying and exciting world where tech plays a critical role in their lives. While that's all amazing and exciting, there are also some serious potential risks which is why digital literacy must be taught at home and at school and re-enforced constantly.