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Kids today: Always on, at home and in school. Top tips to keep them healthier in these times!

Samira Sine

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

When David and I did our first parenting talk together in New York to a large group of parents in 2019, the pandemic had not hit!

Kids were already spending more time with screens and sleep and in-person gatherings that did not include gaming or scrolling.

This new "friend" has changed the way our children see the world. We are speaking first as parents of tweens and teens, and secondly, writers, experts and the founders of Just For The Children.

We believe we can dial back some of what's being lost. Family dinners, a good old fashioned pop-corn and movie night, a walk in nature with your child. Our beliefs are rooted firmly in children maximizing their time with in-person activities, while spending age-appropriate time on approved apps and devices.

It's hard but we are in this together. And please sign our pledge so we can take all of your signatures to those who can change policies, so that children don't have this subtle and constant exposure to fast food ads online, and have access to games and devices that are not being updated to hijack their attention.

  1. Watch our video on how to ensure your child's posture is correct while on tech. If not, given the hours they spend on screens, it could lead to a lifetime of problems. (Tag video)

  2. Write up a media contract that works for your family. Make sure it includes time outdoors, time spent reading actual books, and time spent doing simple things like chores

  3. Be the change you want to see in your child. Remember, they are looking at us first, as David and I realized!

  4. Keep talking to them. It helps to break down conversations and keep them more inclusive and less accusatory. I often say to my kids that I am feeling a little out of it because I've been working on the computer too long. How about helping me out by taking a short walk or playing a card game.

  5. Changes take time and the tech industry doesn't always have the best interest of children, when developing products for them. Patience, instinct and checking in with our videos, blogs and research updates will help. We can do this, with you!


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