nd food shows on Discovery Network channels. She is being certified in kinesiology.
Samira and David are caring parents first and foremost. They co-founded Just For The Children to help kids introduce movement and mindfulness into their lives as they navigate the dizzying pace of today’s digital world.
More information:
http://www.ncld.org/ld-basics/ld-aamp-social-skills/social-aamp-emotional-challenges - National Center for Learning Disabilities - numerous articles about social and emotional skills with links to equally informative sites
http://www.abilitypath.org/areas-of-development/social--emotional/what-is-social-emotional.html - AbilityPath.org - online hub and community for parents of children with special needs
http://www.socialthinking.com/ - Social Thinking - a treatment framework and curriculum developed to improve individual social thinking abilities
Sources used:
http://casel.org/ - Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
http://www.ncld.org/ld-basics/ld-aamp-social-skills/social-aamp-emotional-challenges/tips-for-building-social-skills - National Center for Learning Disabilities
Elias, M. J. (2004). "The connection between social-emotional learning and learning disabilities: Implications for intervention". Learning Disability Quarterly 27 (1): 53–63.
Experts consulted:
Barbara K. Polland, PhD, MFT, Professor Emeritus, CSUN
Kelly Priest, M.S., Partner at Social Foundations LLCJoy Zabala, AIM Center Director, CAST