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The Physical Effects of Cyberbullying on Children

Let's face it, when kids start using social media, just like any good old school yard bully, there are kids who use these digital platforms to make another child feel sad, angry or frightened. These kids are known as cyberbullies because they conduct their business of bullying online. And research from respected and trusted organizations show cyberbullies don't just hurt their victims once. They usually do it again and again and often enlist the help of others.

A list of ways are writing mean snapchats, texts, spreading hurtful and embarrassing photographs ,videos and rumors on the plethora of platforms at a child's disposal. We are going to do a deep-dive into cyberbullying as it affects both a child's mental and physical health and leaves long term scars on the bullied and the bystanders.

Cyberbullying Impacts (Statistics from

Over half of teens felt angry after being cyber-bullied, about a third felt hurt, and nearly 15 percent felt scared.

Two-thirds of tween victims of cyberbullying said that it had a negative impact on how they felt about themselves.

Nearly a third of tween cyberbullying victims said the incidents affected their friendships, while 13 percent said it affected their physical health.

Just For The Children takes cyberbullying seriously as it can create a lifetime of emotional and physical problems.

Physical Effects of Cyberbullying

This post deals only with the physical effects of cyberbullying on a child. Cyberbullying is serious because unlike traditional bullying, the bullying takes place on a larger platform.

Overwhelming anxiety and stress can manifest itself physically in children. Some of them include:

  • Gastrointestinal issues, headaches, panic attacks: The stress brought on by cyberbullying also can cause stomach, abdominal pain, and stomach ulcers. Kids may also struggle with frequent nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  • Eating Disorders: Kids who are cyber-bullied may experience changes in eating habits like skipping meals or binge eating. Because their lives feel out of control, they look to their eating patterns as something they can control. These efforts may morph into a full-blown eating disorder, especially if the bullying has caused a distorted body image.

  • Sleep issues, insomnia and night terrors: Experiencing cyberbullying can impact a child's sleep. They may have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or may need a trusted family member in the room.

If you notice that your child is experiencing changes in their eating and sleeping habits, or if they are experiencing increased physical issues, it's important to speak with your child's doctor. These could be signs of bigger issue that needs evaluation. We are here to discuss the main issues that affect children and offer advice that is backed by research and expertise. But we are not mental health specialists or doctors and this particular issue is more serious than others.


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