We believe that children need to move more, eat better, and use technology to improve their overall well-being!

Testimonial for Samira Sine - "Samira’s cross-cutting talents in digital literacy, media, journalism, and education will make a significant difference in advancing the well-being of our nation’s children. She will leverage the best collective evidence to give our families the trusted guidance sorely needed in our world."
--Martha Kanter, CEO, College Promise; U.S. Under Secretary of Education (2009-2013) Testimonial for David Kirsch - “ ...David sends a powerful message to parents everywhere. Good health and family wellness are easily accessible to all...” --Jennifer Lopez | Entertainer
Welcome to the first issue of the Just For The Children newsletter. This newsletter will be published weekly and will have practical videos, articles, and blogs to support parents, educators and all involved in raising young people today. Our focus is on the rising use of tech and its effects on a growing child's need for sleep, movement and sustained academic focus. Even before the pandemic, children were moving less, spending more time on tech, eating poorly and struggling with overall well-being. Today, those numbers have increased exponentially, with screen time almost doubling, and obesity rates sky-rocketing amongst our youngest. America's top pediatric groups recently declared mental health amongst children a national emergency. David Kirsch and Samira Sine created Just For The Children in late 2020, bringing a combined 5 decades of experience in law, fitness, nutrition, advocacy, journalism, and digital health for kids, to support children and their families. Their advisory board is made up of doctors, lawyers, parents, and more.
What we've been up to!
We've teamed up with doctors, experts in persuasive tech design, educators, nutritionists and parents, media experts, lawyers and fired employees of organizations like Facebook. The idea was born when David Kirsch and Samira Sine gave a talk to parents on a freezing cold Sunday afternoon in New York City in 2019. Samira Sine was running the Common Sense Media East Coast office, and had been part of launching their U.K initiative.
David Kirsch, trained as a lawyer and was pre-med, author of 6 best- selling fitness and nutrition books and is a trainer to top athletes and entertainers. Both Samira and David realized that children all over the world needed free advice and health tips during the global lockdown and David and Samira often brought their own children into videos to show kids how to move in small spaces, and take tech breaks. Both are parents of 5 children ages 10 through 15.
The pandemic brought home some harsh realities. Just For The Children was born to give tested, practical advice to those who seek it, to put pressure on regulators to protect the health of our kids, and to continue a dialogue with all who want to engage in ensuring the wellbeing of future generations.
Below is a video with the renowned developmental pediatrician Dr. Mark Bertin, who discusses what's on the mind of most parents and educators. He is re-assuring and practical, when addressing mental health, weight gain, and more.
If you'd like to book a special talk or webinar or have access to all of our webinars and videos, get in touch! We'd love to hear from you. All content on our site is free, and research-backed and vetted by our advisors and medical experts. Contact Us:
Email: Askus@justforthechildren.org
Tel: (877) 553-8221